SilkStart Team Page – Video & Infographic

by Martin Nikleva
on February 11, 2016
Introducing the SilkStart Team Page: I’m excited to announce that SilkStart has just launched a dynamic and configurable team page that existing and new customers may use. Showcase your
internal team, board of directors, or advisors on your SilkStart website using the team application page.
We noticed that associations were regularly including a list of their internal team members as a separate webpage on their site. We looked through many of these pages
and most displayed their team in what could be best described as a glorified Excel spreadsheet. It was relatively simple to edit but most looked downright ugly. It was obvious that we could offer something better.
It’s part of our customer obsession – starting from the customer and working backwards. Our clients regularly asked for titles, bios, and photos to be updated. While this once required a
change of code, it’s now as easy as a few simple clicks of the mouse.
Mobile-friendly and fully configurable, the team page allows you to easily update photos, bios and more!
Let me know if you want more information. We’ve also created a short video and infographic to explain the team page in greater detail
~ Martin
Getting Started: Team Page from SilkStart Technology on Vimeo.
Team Page Infographic
Want more information on our team page or interested in migrating to this new platform? Contact us for assistance.
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I help associations grow to their full potential through using our online cloud-based tools. All good meetings are held during Ping-Pong matches.